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Ch 10 Consideration, Discussion 2 the barren promise

Ch 10 Consideration, Discussion 2 the barren promise

Q Alfieri, a hunting enthusiast, frequently shot birds in his own and his neighbor's backyard in a violation of city ordiances prohibiting gun being discharged within city limits. The neighbor offered to pay Alfieri $100 to refrain from shooting birds for one year. At the end of a year neighbor refuses to pay, citing a lack of consideration for the agreement. Is the neighbor correct? Is valid consideration present in this agreement? Are barren promises acceptable consideration?

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I think that this is a clear case of making a consideration whether a consideration is acceptable or not. In other words, this case deals with the concept of acceptable consideration. A value which is legally sufficient and adequate must be present in a particular contract to prove that the contract is legal as well as valid. The values should be something which can be obtained or received by someone or even when someone promises someone to give something.